Your application must be accompanied by a medical report form if any of the following apply to you:
- You are applying for a learner permit or driving licence in any of the C or D categories (bus and truck) C1, C, D1, D, C1E, CE, D1E or DE.
- You suffer from certain medical conditions
- You are aged 75 or over
- Your current driving licence or learner permit includes the notation code 101 which indicates that renewal is subject to submission of a valid medical report
- You have ever suffered from alcoholism
- You have ever suffered from epilepsy
- On a regular basis you are taking, drugs or medication which would be likely to make you an unsafe driver
A medical report form is required when applying for a driving licence or learner permit where the driver is aged 75 years and over or where the driving licence or learner permit they are renewing expires the day before their 75th birthday.
The Medical Report must be completed correctly by a registered medical practitioner and you must sign the declaration in their presence. It must be presented to the NDLS within one month of being signed by the medical practitioner. Please note the maximum term for higher categories on a full licence is 5 years.
Important notes:
- Anyone suffering from serious arrhythmia which has at any stage resulted in a loss of consciousness should consult their doctor before applying for a licence.
- Anyone dependent on or regularly abuses psychotropic substances is disqualified from holding any learner permit or driving licence. If you have any doubts about your physical or mental fitness to drive, you should consult a doctor.
Medical report and eyesight report forms may be obtained from your local NDLS centre or downloaded from this webpage. If you are downloading the Medical Report form, you must print it back to back.
If you have more questions on this please email [email protected] or call 096 25000.
If your query is in relation to the submission of a medical or eyesight report for a learner permit or licence application click here for further details.
A range of medical conditions, as well as treatments, may affect your driving ability. Please note the following list is not exhaustive.
- Diabetes treated by insulin and or sulphonylurea tablets (your doctor can advise whether you are on these or not) no need to tell us if managed by other tablets and or diet
- Epilepsy
- Stroke or TIAs (*1)(minor strokes) with any associated symptoms lasting longer than one month
- Fits or blackouts
- Any type of brain surgery, brain abscess or severe head Injury involving in-patient treatment or a brain tumour or spinal injury or spinal tumour
- An implanted cardiac pacemaker
- An implanted cardiac defibrillator (ICD)(*2)
- Repeated attacks of sudden disabling dizziness
- Any other chronic neurological condition such as multiple sclerosis, motor neurone disease, or Huntington’s disease
- A serious problem with memory or periods of confusion (*3)
- Persistent alcohol misuse or dependency
- Persistent drug misuse or dependency
- Serious psychiatric illness or mental health problems (*3)
- Parkinson's disease
- Sleep Apnoea syndrome
- Narcolepsy
- Any condition affecting your peripheral vision
- Total loss of sight in one eye
- Any condition affecting both eyes, or the remaining eye if the driver only has one eye (Not including colour blindness or short or long sight)
- A serious hearing deficiency
- Severe learning disability (*3)
- Any persistent problems with arms or legs which restricts driving to an automatic vehicle
- Any persistent problems with arms or legs which restricts driving to an adapted vehicle
(*1) A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is an event, with stroke symptoms that last less than 24 hours before disappearing (sometimes called a mini stroke). While TIAs generally do not cause permanent brain damage, they are a serious warning sign of stroke.
(*2) An Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) is an electronic device which monitors your heart continuously. The ICD is programmed to detect abnormally fast or slow heart rhythms.
(*3) If in doubt please consult your family doctor.
A person who suffers from serious arrhythmia which has at any stage resulted in loss of consciousness is particularly advised to consult his/her doctor before applying for a licence.
If you have any doubts about your physical or mental fitness to drive, you should consult a doctor.
Where a medical report form is required with an application, the driver must complete part 1. The doctor completes part 2 of the form and must certify whether or not the driver meets the relevant medical fitness standard for group 1 or group 2 categories and for which period of time. The medical report form makes specific reference to the driver’s eyesight, whether their vehicle must be adapted, whether they suffer from epilepsy and whether there are any specific restrictions required."